My Ghana customer with 1.2G,2.4G wireless spy camera jammer
His name is Frank, come from Ghana, selling security products for many years.
Last few month, he found our AUDIO VIDEO JAMMER on Made-in-China, and sent us the inquiry.
We contacted him by whatsapp directly, and talked the jammer details and price details.
He is interested in the 1.2G,2.4G wireless spy camera jammer CPJ468, we offered him a good price, and finally he decided order 4 pieces for testing at first.
He made the payment via T/T Bank transfer, 3 days later, we got his payment, and arranged the delivery for him.
Because of the 1.2G,2.4G wireless spy camera jammer CPJ468 with inside rechargeable battery, we can’t delivery the parcel via DHL.
Then the lovely and kindness man Frank contacted with his friend to find an agent who can help him.
So we delivery the jammer parcel to Guangzhou, his agent.
About 15days later, Frank got his parcel, and sent us the picture. And then we confirmed the next jammer order.
Now we are not only business partner, but also the good friends in our life.
We are not only talked our jammer business, but also talked about the food, our family, and our hobbies, we also share our our photos with each other.